Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hard Work Pays Off (And Falls Off)

OK my husband is probably going to kill me
for posting this but I just have to do it
because I am so proud of him! He has been
working so hard to lose weight! Actually
he and a group of friends have been working
hard- and the weight is falling off of
them! I wish I had pictures from other
people taking the challenge in the "Belly
Beatdown" as they call it! Yes, they even
have a blog and every week they weigh in
and the % of weight they have lost is
reported. The competition started in Jan
and ends May 14th. They have to lose a
total of at least 10% body weight or they
lose the TV for a full month! Talk about
incentive! Well, you can see how hard Tommy
has been working (and maybe even how much
he LOVES his TV :) ), but either way- it
is paying off! He has lost almost 30 lbs-
all by watching what he's eating- and with
Nutri-System. Maybe we can get him on a
commercial one of these days :)!

I just thought I'd post a before picture:
Christmas 2009

and after:

Easter 2010

Hard work and Team work will always lead you
to positive results!

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