I'll be speaking next Thursday, Aug 19th
at my home church, Calvary Chapel Chino
Hills. We've titled this topic: "Going
for the Gold" because I'll be sharing
about my Olympic experiences and winning
3 Gold medals. So many principles in
sports can be related to our lives, and
even in our spiritual lives. Our faith
in Jesus Christ as Christians is the key
to victory.
1 John 5:4-5 says:
"This the the VICTORY that has overcome
the world, even our FAITH. Who is it that
overcomes the world? Only he who believes
that Jesus is the Son of God."
We have VICTORY through Jesus Christ alone!
I have experienced a lot of victory on the
softball field through the years. But even
more important than that, I have experienced
victory in life. There are struggles that
I go through, but I know where the victory
lies- in calling out to Jesus. I understand
how to be victorious better as I learn God's
Word more and more. I am excited to share
more of these truths next Thursday night.
Please pray that God's truth would penetrate
everyone's heart who attends. And pray that
I would speak only what God wants me share.
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