Friday, November 20, 2009

Sold Out

"Sold Out" is the term I used when I made
the choice to "wholeheartedly" follow Jesus
Christ and His example. I had said a prayer
to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior as a
young girl, but didn't realize until college
what it really meant to call Him LORD.
Everyone likes the idea that there could be
a Savior that gets them to heaven, but few
answer the call to obedience when we make Jesus
the LORD of our lives. There is a difference
between 1. asking God for forgiveness when we make
mistakes (until the next time), going to church when
it fits in our schedule, praying sometimes AND
2. saying "God, you can have it ALL! I am
yours. Take my life and show me what You have
planned for my life. I want your will above mine."

From my experience, when I started to obey in all
areas, God started to work in my life so much more.
I was the one who was deciding when and where I would
obey God. I still would make mistakes (and I still do)
but there was a heaviness that came from the conviction
of the Holy Spirit when I would disobey. The Bible
says, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are
few." Many people want God to bless them in what they are
doing, but few will ask, "God, what do You want me to do?"
It is when God leads and directs that the results are
beyond what we could do on our own. It takes waiting,
growing, and trusting to be in the position of following God.
He will use those who are willing and obedient and
thankfully He doesn't leave us when we do our own thing
and ask Him to follow us. We just might not be receiving
God's best in our lives. I strive to be "sold out" for
Christ because when I die, nothing else will matter more.

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