Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Heartache, hurting. . .HOPE

There has been such a heaviness lately-
what started out as grieving for the
families in Newtown, Ct last Friday
and the horror they went through
turned to sadness and sorrow for
the news of the death of Frank
Pastore on Monday.  I was so sad
to get the news that he was gone-
sad for his wife, Gina, for his kids
and his grandson.  I am jealous that
Frank is in the presence of Jesus
Christ right now and I look forward
to being in heaven with him one day.
I know that if I was the one to pass
away, I am the lucky one.  It's the
loved ones left behind that have to
live with the pain and grief.

Around this same time came the
news that Daisy Love Merrick has
2 new tumors and the prognosis is
bleak.  She has fought this cancer
and it keeps coming back with a
vengeance.  This family loves the
Lord, her dad is a gifted pastor,
and she is just a little girl.  The
sadness overwhelms again.

Finally I found out of the death
of another friend yesterday- I
can think back to taking our
parenting classes together through
our church and taking Jake when
he was 1 yr old to his house to see
Santa.  Time passes and things
happen and people die too early.
I pray for his two young daughters
who will be hurting this Christmas.

And then I turn my eyes to Jesus-
the author and perfecter of our
faith.  The One who came so that
death would not be the final ending-
in fact he conquered death and rose
from the dead so that we can have
eternal life in heaven with Him.
God sent Jesus to us- that is
the Christmast story- the baby
was born in Bethlehem and the
world was never the same.  He
came to give His life so that others
could have eternal life.  Death on
this earth is the beginning of eternity-
I am certain I will spend eternity
with God in heaven when I take
my last breath.  I know that those
children who lost their lives
tragically last week are dancing
in heaven right now.  But it is a
choice- and I choose Jesus because
He first chose me.  So as I'm
feeling sad, I have truth that brings
HOPE.  Hope in Jesus is what
keeps us going.  Hope that this
life does matter- it matters to
God. When the time is right,
God brings His children home. 
God's children are those who
put their trust in Jesus Christ-
the Bible clearly states that. 
I am thankful for the HOPE
that Christmas brings.  I pray
for these families and that God's
grace and comfort can cover
them during this time and I
pray they have found HOPE
in JESUS too.

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