Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bible Study

I love Bible Study!  I have an amazing
group of girls who are real and open.
Right now we are in the Beth Moore
Study of James.
I also love to share how it all started
for me.  My love for Jesus really didn't
start until I saw somebody near my age
living bold for the Lord.  Her name was
Julie.  Here is a picture of her:

I only knew Julie for 3 short years
because she passed away at the
age of 21.  After seeing how she
lived for Jesus and knowing she
was face to face with Him now
for eternity, my perspective about
using our time for the Lord was
much more clear. None of us
are promised tomorrow and when
we are gone, all that truly matters is
if we knew Jesus as Lord and if
we lived for His glory and loved
others the way He loves! 

Now that I have opportunities to speak
around the country, I share a lot about
the impact Julie made on me.  There is
something powerful when you have a
positive influence in your circle of friends.
Even though I had loving and caring
parents, I still was impacted by the
people I hung out with.  I know that will
be the case for my boys too, so I pray
they continue to choose to hang out with
godly friends as they grow older.

I wanted to write this post because
after speaking in the Ohio Valley
schools last month for Sports World,
I received a few messages from some
of the students I spoke to.  This is
one I just received and it put such a
big smile on my face :

I said that I would contact you in May,
but I wanted to say  something. When
you were at our school, you said you
and Julie had a Bible Study group. I
thought a lot about it. I made a little
Bible group myself.
We just read verses of the Bible
and discuss it so we understand.

P.S. We didn't start yet. I just thought
of it like 5 minutes ago. But
that's what we're going to do.

You never know whose life you
might impact! Choose to make
a difference today!

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