I am reminded with Drew that everybody has their
own style:
We celebrated Jake's 9th Birthday in July
(Thanks for the ice cream cake Heather!)
Happiness is. . .kids playing and laughing
Friends make life better
Sometimes when you see somebody take a
LEAP of faith. . .
It helps you to take a LEAP too. . .
and sometimes we might need a little nudge
to do it :)
Luke is "beary" happy
These boys fell asleep while they waited
for me to shower!
They are like me- they can sleep anywhere!
I am so proud of Laura (my roommate from
Team USA for 10 years and the only softball
player to play in 4 Olympics!)- she just got
finished with the LAPD Police Academy and
she's a cop now!
Here's the proof!
Date night:
We RARELY go on dates with just
Tommy and me- we are too busy with all the
other things we have going on! But we
finally did and we used a gift card from
5 years ago. I really need to get out
more with my husband!
Life is good! We've been able to go to the
beach the last few weeks of summer with
friends. Nothing better than enjoying
beautiful weather in So Cal at the beach!
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