Last weekend I was in Pennsylvania for a softball
clinic. I have been out there 6 times in the
past 8 years for clinics. I had another great
time working with the athletes ages 8-16 years
old. Softball around the country has improved
through the years and that is another reason I'm
so sad that softball was removed from the Olympics.
I worked with pitchers on Friday night when I got
there and then taught hitting and fielding on Saturday.
We had great weather (high 60's, low 70's) and we
even got to go out on the field for defense! Usually
there is snow all over the ground when I am there.
Of course, once the clinic was over we had to go
get some dinner! I always say, "Softball players
know how to eat!" I don't have any pictures
from the field, but I do have pictures from our
trip to the original Quaker's Steak and Lube!
This place is known for it's buffalo wings and
different kinds of sauce. I also now know about
Daffin's Chocolate now because that is the choice of
chocolate in this area of PA. Move over Hershey's,
Daffin's chocolate is awesome! My new friend Bailey,
11, bought me a chocolate-caramel bar and then had
to add an assortment of chocolates, 2 more bars and
a caramel chocolate egg for the family! I'm saving
that one for Easter!
Bailey, Me and Jenna & some Onion Rings!
Jenna and I laughed a lot as she drove me
around and I heard all about the 6 different
times she has hit deer with her cars! I knew
I wasn't in CA anymore!
The General Manager, Jason, of the Steak and Lube.
They put pictures up on the walls of people
who come through and visit, and now my picture
will be on the wall!
The whole group for dinner! Softball coaches (special
thanks to Dan and Jim) and also softball families who
love this sport! (a.k.a. My new friends!)
Cheyenne, Bailey and me: showing the chocolate!
"THE Egg!" That's enough chocolate for the whole family
on Easter!
Jenna, Me, Cheyenne, Bailey and Kayla
We Had Buckets of FUN!!!
Leah, thank you so much for you wise words and encouragement. I love reading your blog and hearing from you. You are an amazing women of God. I am proud to call you my friend (even though we don't see eachother much:(.....but I'm in California for a couple months. Let me know if you have a park day or play day. I'd love to come and chat in person:)