class: Enjoy!
Herod the king began to harass some from
the church
He killed James the brother of John with the sword.
King Herod saw that this pleased the Jews, so he had
Peter put in prison. "Constant prayer was offered to
God for him by the church" vs. 5.
Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between
two soldiers. "Now behold, an angel of the Lord
stood by him, and a light (a flashlight in our case)
shone in the prison." vs 7
The angel came to Peter to free him. He struck
Peter on the side and told him to arise, get
dressed and follow him.
Peter made it out of the city and the angel left him.
Peter went to Mary's house where many were praying
and as Peter knocked on the door, a girl named
Rhoda came and when she heard Peter's voice, she
recognized it. She didn't open the gate but ran
back to tell the others Peter stood before the gate.
They were still praying for Peter and didn't believe
it could really be Peter at the door. They said it
must be his angel. But they were astonished when
they saw that it was really him.
King Herod searched for Peter and could not
find him. He ordered that the guards be put
to death.
King Herod had been angry with the people
of Tyre and Sidon; but they came to him and
asked for peace.
So, King Herod dressed in his royal apparel,
sat on his throne and spoke to the people.
They kept shouting, "The voice of a god and
not of a man!"
"Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him
because he did not give glory to God. And he was
eaten by worms and died" vs. 23(we didn't get a picture of
this but the kids were funny pretending to be worms!).
"But the word of God grew and multiplied." (vs. 24)
*Each child said a verse they knew out loud.
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