Pastor Gary, Courtney, Bethany, me, Lindsay and Flora

This past weekend I spent time in Hartsville, South
Carolina. It was my first time to Hartsville. I
had a chance to speak at a softball tournament with
14&U and 16&U teams in it. Ray Morrell runs tournaments
in the area throughout the year and is a huge fan
of softball, but he's also a Christian and has made
an impact by allowing devotionals to be done on Sunday
mornings at some of these tournaments. I love the idea
because when you have games on Sunday, it's hard to get
to church. The parents, coaches and girls were fun to
be around. I also had the priviledge of speaking at
Emmanuel Baptist Church. Pastor Gary Colboch teamed
up with Ray to bring me out. I spent time with Gary and
his family (unlike me, he has 3 girls). His wife, Flora,
even gave me an adorable apron (I'll have to get pictures
and show it off) as a gift. Everybody at the church was
so kind and many came up afterward to say hi, shake my hand,
check out the medals, get an autograph, and even give
me a hug! I love the fact that as children of God, we
are brothers and sisters in Christ. I definitely felt
like I was around family in Hartsville, S.C.!
After the service: Bethany, Courtney, Me and Flora

This is Ray Morrell's daughter, Brandy Morrell.

I told her I wanted a picture with her because
two years ago she won a contest and was named
South Carolina Idol. She has an amazing voice
and I know because we asked her to sing for us
on the spot and she belted it out!